
B08: On demand course fees


Policy #: B08
Responsible authority: Business Operations
Approval authority: CPC Executive Director
Approval date: 2022-03-01


This Directive outlines additional procedures required to establish fees for on demand courses.


Fees for on demand courses will be established:

Procedures, roles and responsibilities

  1. The program areas are responsible for calculating the final price of their on demand courses offered in any of Canada's provinces. This price will include:
    • 100% cost recovery of SME costs including salary, travel, accommodations, meals, and incidentals
    • 100% cost recovery of expenses for CPC personal required to deliver the course, including travel, accommodations, meals, and incidentals
  2. For on demand courses offered in Nunavut, Yukon, or the Northwest Territories, at the CPC's discretion, cost recovery of SME costs and/or costs associated with the travel, accommodations, meals, and incidentals for CPC personnel may be waived.
  3. Prior to being sent for signature, the completed MOU/Course Delivery Plan and course costs must be approved by the CPC Program Director or CPC Program Inspector

Related directives

Course Fees – B01
Course Costs – B04

This new directive rescinds Directive B05 – Off-Site Course Fees.

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