

The Canadian Police College has launched “CPCCampusCCP”, a Brightspace Digital Learning Platform. This platform will enhance and enrich the in-class delivery of CPC course, as well as enabling the College to deliver selected material on-line to a wide audience of law enforcement professionals.

Brightspace is a robust and reliable modern platform, supplied by a Canadian vendor, and in use by dozens of educational institutions world-wide. Brightspace is user-friendly, providing a simple interface for instructors and administrators to manage and update learning materials. Brightspace will also enable the CPC to transform its relationship with learners and client police organizations, by encouraging long-term connectivity and ongoing access to best practices, refresher training, and microlearning.

CPCCampusCCP is the primary vehicle for the CPC's implementation of its Digital Strategy, a strong signal of the CPC's commitment to modernizing and adapting to the new policing environment.

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