The Canadian Police College E-Library Quick Search portal – a tool for evidence-based research

As an RCMP employee, you can access thousands of journal and magazine articles and ebooks from a single search engine.
You can use the Canadian Police College E-Library Quick Search portal from any ROSS computer. The portal links to a search engine which indexes most of the library's content.
Available databases
- EBSCO Criminal Justice Abstracts database
- International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center
- Jane's Terrorism and Insurgency Centre
- Jane's Intelligence Review
- FORENSICnetBASE/LawENFORCEMENTnetBASE e-book collection
Borrowing print books
Our print collection has more than 20,000 publications. The collection covers all law enforcement topics, from forensics to intelligence to leadership. You can browse the library catalogue via the E-Library Quick Search portal and request items by email.
Help finding information
Our staff can provide you with training and information sessions, such as tutor-by-phone (613-993-3225). This service can teach you the search functions of the library and how to maximize search results.
We also offer basic reference services for RCMP employees. We accept new purchase recommendations for employees who need to borrow a book for work.
Find out more on the CPC Library page.
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