
Search tips

"Quick Search" is a simple search box which allows you to search multiple Library resources (articles, books, e-books) at the same time.

Full Text Access

Only RCMP network computers have access to the full text of online resources. Please read the conditions of use for electronic resources for more information.

"Quick Search" Tabs

"All Resources" Tab

Choose the "All Resources" tab for electronic magazine and journal articles, print books and e-books. You may check the "Catalogue" box to limit your search to the physical collection of the Library or choose "Full-text (online)" if you only wish to access full-text articles and e-books.

"Books" Tab

Choose the "Books" tab to search the print book collection in the physical library. Results may also include e-books.

RCMP employees who wish to borrow print books can consult our book loan procedures.

"ebooks" Tab

Choose "ebooks" to search only for books in PDF format.

What is the best way to search?

Advanced field searching is possible from the "Results" screen. Other useful functions include limiting or sorting by date of publication, and limiting results to peer reviewed articles.

Please contact us if you have any questions!

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